Flat Butt Solutions
How to increase your butt size and have a sexier butt?
What type of padding is available and what works best?
Why do you need a Padded Pantie or Butt Enhancer in Your Closet?
How to increase your butt size and have a sexier butt?
Use what you have and enhance it by lifting it up with some padding. There are unique enhancer panties for rear end enhancements. It may sound funny at first to hear that there are such a thing, but if you really think about it, bras are padded so why not panties. The purpose is the same...to enhance your rear end (padded panties) / front end (padded bras), where unfortunately some of us are lacking. It is also nice to have one, even if you have a nice rear end. Why you say? I'm sure you have came across a few nice-looking outfits that does not look good on you because it makes you look like you are flat chested, even though you are not. It is the same with your bottom. Some pants / jeans and even some dresses make you look like you don't have a butt. These padded panties / butt enhancers are the answer to the flat rear end appearance you don't like.
Foam Enhancer Panties
Positive – If you are looking for something light, then this is the enhancer for you.
Negative – If it is a sewn in foam enhancer, it will get flatten over time with laundry washing.

Silicone Enhancer Panties
Positive – If you are looking for something that feels natural, then this is the enhancer for you.
Negative – As with any other silicone products, silicone butt enhancers can be quite heavy.

Adhesive Enhancer Pads
Positive – If you are looking for an enhancer that you can wear with your favorite underwear, this is the solution for you. Negative – Overtime the adhesive can wear out.

Butt Lift Panites
Positive – It uses what you already have and enhances it by lifting your rear end.
Negative – Can only lift so much. If you have a super flat butt, it won't help you much.
Why do you need a Padded Pantie or Butt Enhancer in Your Closet?
For people who desperately wanted a round, firm and sexy butt, up until recently had only two options:
(1) Expensive and risky butt enlargement surgery called buttock augmentation which comes with unpleasant pain and a long recovery. Risks include infection, bleeding, implant shifting and blood clots. Read about how Miss Argentina died following elective surgery on buttocks.
Spending numerous hours at the gym to tone the butt with little or
moderate visible difference. For the few who saw a difference, had to
keep up with the exercise because the moment exercise is stopped, the butt becomes flabby, shapeless, or just flat again.
With the latest fashion
available today, no one should have to live with the embarrassing flat
bottom anymore. There is no need to undergo expensive buttock
augmentation surgery or spend countless hours at the gym to get the
sexy butt you have always dreamed of.
Anyone can get your desired butt instantly with the butt enhancing products that used to be available to Hollywood only. It is simple and affordable solution for the flat or sagging butt.
padded panties and butt enhancers will give your bottom the curves you
have always wanted, but never could achieve. It will add volume and
definitely shape to your flat butt, but most importantly it will make
your outfit.
Virtually every woman
will benefit from having a pair of padded pantie or butt enhancer in
their closet. The list below describes the type of people who will
benefit from having one in their wardrobe:
- Brides to be, maid of honor, bridesmaids, best man and weddings guests who want to look their best for the special occasion.
- Women and men who are not blessed naturally with a bootylicious bottom like JLo or Jessica Beil.
- Women and men who do not have enough in their butt and feel uncomfortable sitting down for a long period of time without cushioning.
- Women and men who always need to look their best. They include: Actresses/Actors, Entertainers, and Models.
- Women and men who had lost the shape and curves to their butt, due to gravity and/or aging.
- Women and men who want to enhance their butt day-to-day to look sexier in clothes.
- Women and men who want an extra lift to fill out their favorite clothes.
- Crossed-dressers who want to look more feminine.
- And especially women and men who are considering butt enhancement surgery with silicone implants.
Click here to check out our padded panties / butt enhancers!